Published Jun 23, 2020 by Jane Smith
Work From Home Tips For Music Creatives
1 mins read

Work From Home Tips For Music Creatives
Surving these times as a creative means that you might see your physical activities almost half and now have to remotely meetup with your tasks. Here are some of our tips to help you:
1.) Purchase a condenser microphone: If you are an artist this will prove invaluable. Instead of going to the studio to record voice takes, you can record form home and send the track files in the requeted format to your producer.
2.) Think about Sound-proofing your space. You can get soundproof materials online. Producers and artists might find this useful.
3.) Think Videoconferencing: This is not just for team meetings byt you can even rehearse with your band over video conferencing.
Please stay safe during this period and take appropriate hygiene guidelines and social distancing rules seriously. Together we can beat the virus.
For more enquiries on our services that are open and the guidelines for physical studio sessions, call 07030765953, 08178484671, 08101536132
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